01257 826 193 info@beverleybell.co.uk

“Well, it’s February and so it must be Warrington on Nick’s and my tour of GB for our two-day TM CPC refresher courses.

Whilst the weather was wet, the reception was warm at the venue and the muffins were even better. As always, we have a very wide range of delegates including a PSV operator who got his first O licence at 17 and a goods operator who has just celebrated his 48th year as an operator licence holder.

We had some healthy debate on TC expectations for laden roller brake tests compared to the DVSA GTMR guidance and the dangers of relying on others to complete your licence applications for you.

The food was good and on day two delegates get to do their group work which is one of my favourite parts of the course and Mr Denton gets to show us a photo of his bed!

To book your place on our next course give us a ring or send us an email. We look forward to seeing you soon.”