01257 826 193 info@beverleybell.co.uk

Supporting clients in the road transport sector

With our unique specialist industry knowledge, experience and expertise
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Transport Sector Consultancy

With our extensive experience and detailed knowledge of the commercial vehicle sector, no one is better placed than Beverley Bell and our team, to get to the core of any problem quickly, identify the support you need, and deliver change to drive success.


Professional Development in Transport and Logistics

Our courses provide interesting, enjoyable and interactive learning experiences, driven by industry experts, sharing their considerable knowledge, in an effort to further road safety and compliance.

Why Beverley Bell?

With our unique specialist industry knowledge, experience and expertise, Beverley Bell Consulting and Training Services provide the very best advice on all aspects of safety, compliance, best practice, training and cost-effective operations in every area of our clients’ businesses.

We work with many types and size of organisations, driving up standards and promoting positive change in their transport operations to make them safer, more efficient, and more commercially competitive. Working from board level to the front line, our experts quickly build partnerships with our clients to implement bespoke solutions, tailored specifically for their business, to create enduring operational effectiveness and success.


“We contacted Beverley and the team to help us with managing a Vehicle Operators Licence application.  The team were great and quick to act, providing advice on what was the best course of action, as well as offering assistance with a suitable External Transport Manager. “

Consulting Client

“Beverley guided the other Directors and I through both a vehicle overloading TC hearing and a high stakes appeal against financial sentence in the Criminal Crown Court.  An amazingly positive result was secured in both environments.”

Consulting Client

“We recognise the excellent work and value that Beverley Bell Consulting has provided. We would not hesitate to recommend Beverley Bell Consulting to all of our stakeholders.”

Consulting Client