01257 826 193 info@beverleybell.co.uk



No business wants to be investigated by an Enforcement Agency, but it can and does happen – and often at the most inconvenient of times. Specialist, competent early advice can and does make all the difference to the outcome. The consequences of getting it wrong can be far reaching and costly whether this relates to a prohibition notice issued at the roadside or a lengthy and complex drivers’ hours’ investigation. Beverley Bell Consulting will expertly guide you through the process to help protect your business.

Identified infringements are frequently dealt with by way of prohibition or fixed penalty notice. At other times, they can lead to prosecution in the Courts by the DVSA. Beverley Bell Consulting supports clients through these instances providing expert legal advice to protect our clients’ interests and legal rights throughout the process.

Our Team is available to support clients with DVSA enforcement, inspection or investigation and provide clear and appropriate advice and representation.

We know what the DVSA and the Traffic Commissioners expect, and we help clients compile the necessary documentation to support their case while at the same time working alongside them to implement appropriate systems of work or changes to their operations to ensure they stay compliant.

Other services we offer

Compliance reviews

Compliance Reviews and Transport Operation Improvement Projects


Transport Governance and Corporate Responsibility


Commercial Strategic Development in Transport


The Senior Traffic Commissioner’s Statutory Guidance Documents


Appearing before the Traffic Commissioner can be stressful and costly


Appeal against Traffic Commissioner decisions