01257 826 193 info@beverleybell.co.uk

This week, we are supporting Men’s Health Week, organised by Men’s Health Forum. The week aims to raise awareness of men’s health and to encourage all men to seek help to address any health concerns that they may be experiencing.

Why is Men’s Health Week important?

The shocking statistics regarding the mental health of workers in our key sectors tell us why Men’s Health Week is so important:
– One man in five dies before the age of 65.
– Four in five suicides are by men, with suicide the biggest cause of death for men under 35.
– In 2021, there were 6,319 suicides registered in the UK, of which 507 were in construction alone.
– Drivers of fork lifts had a suicide rate 85% higher than the national average, van drivers were noted to have a rate 25% higher, and drivers of large goods vehicles 20% higher than the national average.

If you, or someone you know, needs support, please:
Call the Samaritans: 116 123 or text “BEAMATE” to 85258