Tyler jarman
When did you start working at Beverley Bell Consulting & Training?
I started working at Beverley Bell Consulting and Training in April 2024.
What does your job entail on a daily basis?
I initially started as an Administrative Assistant which soon developed into me taking on the role of Beverley’s PA. I also get to help out with some of the case work to help out Christina and Philippa with their busy schedules.
Why Beverley Bell?
Beverley is an incredible role model and very keen to help people progress in their careers. She also shows a genuine interest in the welfare of the staff.
What is your favourite part of working at Beverley Bell Consulting & Training?
The atmosphere. It is so enjoyable to work with such kind and funny people. It makes it very easy to get up and come to work in the morning.
What is a fun fact about yourself?
When I was younger I appeared on TV twice.